25.11.2020 11:07
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International Forum on Higher Education 2020 Held in Zhengzhou, China

International Forum on Higher Education 2020 Held in Zhengzhou, China

CRI News: From November 21 to 22, the 2020 International Forum on Higher Education, co-hosted by China Association of Higher Education and Zhengzhou University, supported by Henan Provincial People's Government, was held in Zhengzhou. More than one hundred Chinese and foreign experts and scholars discussed the way to advance the modernization of higher education on the theme of "Accelerating Modernization of University Governance Systems and Capacity Building".

Speech by Zhong Denghua, member of Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of Education P.R.C.

Making a report by Du Yubo, President of China Association of Higher Education.

To realize the modernization of higher education, it is necessary to promote the modernization of governance systems and capacity building in higher education. It is also an important part of promoting the modernization of the governance system and capacity of the country. How can higher education develop with high quality in the post-pandemic era?

Combined with the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, Vice Minister of Education, Zhong Denghua pointed out that, first of all, we should deeply understand the achievements in the higher education development and further strengthen the confidence of higher education system. Second, we should focus on the construction of a strong education country, enhance the ability and level of service to construct a new development pattern, and build a high-quality development system of higher education in the new era. Zhong Denghua believes that to build a high-quality development system for higher education in new times, six key points must be grasped. First, we should be clear about the direction and target. Second, the fundamental driving force of reform and innovation should be demonstrated. Third, we must stay problem-oriented, and fourth, we must adhere to goal-orientation and sixth, strengthen the governance system and governance capacity modernization.

To realize the high-quality development of higher education in China under the new development situation, Du Yubo, president of the China Association of Higher Education, holds that the education sector should make efforts from six aspects. First, we should strengthen morality education, consolidate the concept of student-centered learning, respect the law of personnel training, and build a talent training system to meet the needs of the current situation. Second, we should adjust the professional structure of disciplines, and build a classified school system. Third, we should improve the ability of innovative services to meet the needs of the new development pattern, strengthen basic research, and play a more important role in meeting the needs of the national talents and innovation. Fourth, we should pay attention to the concept innovation, combine the force of destruction and construction, combine with force of construction to promote innovation, comprehensive development and coordinated implementation, to form a new development pattern for meeting the needs of the educational evaluation mechanism. Fifth, we should insist on taking root in China and integrating Chinese and foreign countries to "jointly solving problems", insist on selective "inviting in", organized "going out", and targeted "deep participation", insist on open sharing and win-win cooperation.(By Weiwei Li, Haijun Ma).

Ньюсмейкер: International Forum on Higher Education


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